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Angels 101

Oct 07, 2022

What are Angels?


Angels are messengers of God. Think of them as the hands and breath of God.  He created Angels to be the mediator between His Great Power and Love for us. They exist in another dimension all their own and are neither male or female.  Think of them more as energy.

The energy around earth is very dense, and Angels are able to penetrate the dense energy to influence and impact us while we are having this earthly experience.  They bring with them the loving energy of their purpose and love from their angelic dimension.  Think of Angels as the bridge between us and God. Angels help us communicate and receive our needs for salvation, forgiveness, healing, hope and love. Angels are an avenue of faith.


Who are the Archangels?


Most every religion turns to some representation of a higher being to help them with their specific troubles.  Think of the Archangels as the CEO’s, Managers or Leaders that govern or oversee specific domains, life themes, virtues or species.  


Whether you call on them specifically or not, they still oversee these major themes in your life.  They are always at work for each of you and tap into a limitless source of Angelic presence and power over your life.  

By calling on them specifically though, you learn to feel their unique energy.  

You can then sharpen your ability to communicate with them and even feel them working with you.  

Why do we need them?


Angels soften the harshness of the dense (negative) energy that surrounds us on Earth. They know what our purpose is and encourage us by guiding us onto a path that leads us to our highest good and happiness.  The key to utilizing angelic energy is to take action in one’s life.  Angels work best and most effectively when faith and action are applied as a form of following through on inspiration.  The more you engage with them and feel safe in God's arms, the more it becomes clear that there is a strong, loving force surrounding you with love.

How to communicate with them?


God gives us free will to make our choices in life, but also sends us messages, hints and nudges about what we should choose to do next in our lives. If we want to develop our relationship with the Divine and progress through life with more awareness and purpose, you simply need to ask.

In asking the Angels, either out loud or silently in your head, you take charge of your own life and rise up on a soul level to receive God’s guidance and grace.  

Meet the Archangels!


Ever wonder who to call on for your specific needs? Look no further!  


Most every religion turns to some representation of a higher being to help them with their specific troubles.  


Whether you call on them specifically or not, they still oversee these major themes in your life.  They are always at work for each of you.

By calling on them specifically though, you learn to feel their unique energy.  

You can then sharpen your ability to communicate with them and even feel them working with you.  


It’s all pretty magical, light and available to you!

Just ask!


Here’s a handy little list of the Archangels.  


Raphael - The Master Healer

Michael - The Master Protector

Gabriel - The Master Communicator

Sandalphon - The Angel of Creativity, Prayer and Music

Azrael - Angel of Death and Rebirth

Jophiel - The Angel of Beauty and Joy

Haniel - The bringer of Grace

Ariel - Protector and Healer of Nature and Animals

Zadkiel - Angel of Righteousness and the Violet Flame

Metatron - Angel of Life

Chamuel - The bringer of Love

Raguel - Bringer of Harmony

 Which Angel calls to you most and why?

Whether you call on them specifically or not, they still oversee these major themes in your life.  They are always at work for each of you.

By calling on them specifically though, you learn to feel their unique energy.  

You can then sharpen your ability to communicate with them and even feel them working with you.  

It’s all pretty magical, light and available to you!

Just ask!


